Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Take a Picture, Sell a Home

With the invention of the Internet, the process of buying a home went from the hands of the Realtor to the hands of the consumer. According the the National Association of Realtors, nearly 80% of homebuyers start their home search on the Internet. The Internet search is where pictures of a home for sale are so important. It's the photos -- and good photos -- that gets a potential buyer in your home.

When I'm researching homes for a buyer, if I come across a listing without pictures or just a single photo of the front of the home, I typically bypass that home for others with multiple pictures that give me a good sense of what that home has to offer. However, sometimes a home's photos do not do the home justice, and sometimes the opposite also occurs.

In our multiple listing service here in Sacramento, we are allowed to post 12 photos of a home. We always post 12 photos. Posting any less than 12 photos is not giving a Seller the full potential of marketing their home to other Realtors as well as the consumer.

So, if we list your home, get ready for your house to say "cheese" and pose for our camera!

For info on taking good property photos visit,

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