Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Yes, It Is Better to Own than Rent

A while back I had a first-time buyer who had co-workers that owned homes and were telling her how horrible it was to own a home because of the repairs. And yes, once you own, there is no landlord to call when things break; however, home ownership goes well beyond repairs.

Owning a home is a lifestyle. It's putting down roots, a place to raise kids, make friends, and know your neighbors. It goes well beyond an investment or tax incentive. It's a space of your own to do as you please. Paint everyone room a different color, remodel, plant trees, put in a pool. And, most importantly, you won't have a landlord making "property condition inspections" or giving you notice to move.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Need a Laugh?

Since real estate and life are sometimes too serious, here's a website for a good laugh.  has video spoofs with all our favorite comedians.