Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today's Housing Market is Different From Tomorrow's

And by tomorrow, I literally mean Friday, today is Thursday. This was brought to my attention so clearly today while I was researching the potential value of a plot of land in Nevada for a client. The real estate agent I spoke to said, "I will call you back with a rough of estimate of what it's worth today, NOT TOMORROW." I truly understood where she was coming from.

This market is changing faster than I can blog about how much it's changing. What was a competitive price on Tuesday is increasingly much different by the weekend. It's crazy, but also a bit fun to watch all this happen daily. Before the fall of 2005, you could price a home a bit higher than the last comparative home sold and be safe and probably get multiple offers. Today, you try and price it a bit lower than the last comp. But sometimes that doesn't even work. There's where the fun lies. As Realtors our job requires much more of a pulse on the market than in the previous few years. A Realtor needs to be extremely informed and technically savvy to survive in this market. Of course . . . this could all change tomorrow.

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